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  • we Have intrinsic value.

  • we derive it from each other.

  • we are owed equity from that value.

we owe us konop.png

"Individuals are at their best when they identify with a community and communities are only at their best when they identify all of their individuals."

- James Felton Keith





What Is Citizenship?

Citizenship is personhood, meaning: all self aware beings with desires and plans for the future, should be considered citizens with the right to life.

Limited Human-Racism: "humanness" determines citizenship, but not for embryos.

All self aware beings with desires and plans for the future, should be considered citizens with the right to life.

Religious Human-Racism - "Humanness" determines citizenship.

how do we engage reproductive rights?

Agency, Procreative Liberty, and Beneficence: Per the 2nd stance of Inclusionism "we derive value from each other", we prioritize parent life's agency over attached potential offspring. Being in the womb cannot garner agency. Trust parents to act in children's best interest by giving them equal access to germinal choice technology, and encourage them to create children with the best life opportunities. 

Limited Procreative Liberty: Reproductive rights, but not extended to germinal choice and reproductive technology.

Procreative Liberty: Trust parents to act in children's best interests, and let them buy germinal choice in the market.

Religious Rights prioritized over procreative liberty: Reproductive rights trumped by religious prohibitions or the need for radical population reduction.

How do we engage International Relations?

The Web: update the static 20th Century chessboard model with dynamism.

1) Self Sovereignty (identity derives from our personal data relative to our community)
2) Mesh Region (with the family/tribe as a unit of analysis, not state boundaries)
3) Distributed Ecosystem (with nodes designed for planetary survival)

The Chessboard:

1) The Man - and his human nature
2) The State - the empire aspiring sovereign
3) The System - of bureaucrats to protects the state

The Chessboard:

1) The Man - and his human nature
2) The State - the empire aspiring sovereign
3) The System - of bureaucrats to protects the state

The Chessboard:

1) The Man - and his human nature
2) The State - the empire aspiring sovereign
3) The System - of bureaucrats to protects the state

How do we engage Global Affairs?

Preemptive: reintroduce gender and race and identity politics but affirm them, unlike the 19th Century's use. Identify communities of allies within a locale in order to build a sustainable web infrastructure to protect the interest of human dignity over that of the state. Use diplomacy as a non-transactional investment to incentivize equity, belonging, and a democratic ethos.

Bomb-Second: Diplomatic Realism which is  also known as political realism, or the view that diplomacy exists for intelligence gathering in the inevitable event of aggressive and even violent interactions with regional stakeholders.

Bomb-First: Realism, based on the Henry Kissinger doctrine also known as political realism, is a view of international politics that stresses it as an inherently competitive and conflictual phenomenon.

Bomb-First: Realism, based on the Henry Kissinger doctrine also known as political realism, is a view of international politics that stresses it as an inherently competitive and conflictual phenomenon. Realists consider the principal actors in the international arena to be states, which are concerned with their own security, act in pursuit of their own national interests, and struggle for power.

How do we engage employment?

Embrace data-as-labor: the wealth and leisure created by automation should change, not replace, work and be shared equitably by all through a basic income guarantee, shorter work week, and new types of work with minimal physical toiling to prolong life.

Protectionism, luddism, public employment: attempt to protect existing jobs, and create new ones.

If the government avoids meddling (unemployment, insurance, minimum wages, etc) all workers will find new jobs, even if at lower wages.

Eco Luddism "Small Is Beautiful": Stop automation and adopt voluntary simplicity.

How do we engage education?

Multicultural education: introducing culturally relevant pedagogy, where teachers encourage each student to relate course content to their cultural context to foster a cross-cultural or multicultural setting. This method incentivizes a pluralistic society. Reduce education privatization by investing 1/5 of regional GDP in public education. Increase the number of elected officers in charge of regional school districts. 

Factory Model Schooling: age-based aptitude testing focused on labor assignment in a national majority context. Education spend is ~1/20 of regional GDP, Supplemented by private specialty schools for economic elites.

Factory Model Schooling: age-based aptitude testing focused on labor assignment in a national majority context. Education spend is ~1/20 of regional GDP, Supplemented by private specialty schools for economic elites.

Factory Model Schooling: age-based aptitude testing focused on labor assignment in a national majority context. Education spend is ~1/20 of regional GDP, Supplemented by private specialty schools for economic elites.

How do we think about globalization?

Economic globalization must be accompanied by political globalization: globalization is good as long as it is accompanied by workers rights and protections, environmental laws, and global democratic governance of capital flows.

Globalization is good as long as it is accompanied by workers rights and protections, environmental laws, and global democratic governance of capital flows.

Economic globalization is good: Global governance, worker protections, and environmental laws are all unnecessary.

Eco Luddite: Globalization should be stopped and we should return to self-reliance and political sovereignty. Religious Global Bans on enhancement tech but no other global governance.

how do we support our ecology?

how do we engage technological enhancements?

Technogaian Ethic: Combining judicious regulation with ecological technologies can prevent and remediate ecological damage. Cautious openness to the use of geo-engineering as a mitigation strategy for climate change to prioritize earthly life over eco-luddites or divinity.

Left Ecology: technologies developed by patriarchal, capitalist systems need to be banned and those system changed.

Free Markets: the market can solve all ecological problems.

Deep Ecology: Humanity should radically restrict itself. Religious Dominion Theology: Man has stewardship over Nature.

Enhancements should be universally accessible: Democracies should work toward social equity, and provide universal access to enhancement technologies at the rate of production, so not to exploit classes of access.

Bans on technologies as Part of Larger Egalitarian Program: Democracies should work toward social equality and ban enhancement technologies.

Market Access and Legal Equality is Enough: If legal equality is guaranteed and enhancement technology is available in the market, social equality is irrelevant and the government should do nothing to create a more equal society.

Tech bans Necessary to Protect Equality: Equality can be guaranteed by banning enhancement technologies.

how do we support individual liberties?

Individual Liberty overrides "yuck factor". You can't legally "yuck" my "yum", except in cases where there is identifiable present communal danger.

Yuck Factor: overrides individual liberty in biotech and germinal choice, but not in sexuality or abortion.

Individual Liberty overrides "yuck factor".

Yuck Factor: overrides individual liberty.

how do we engage religious freedoms?

Transhumanism: Human beings are free to determine their own future, guided by prudent reason. There are no obvious natural or divine limits on human aspiration; even suicide.

Opposition to Patriarchal or Imperialist Humanism

Human beings are free to determine their own future, guided by prudent reason. There are no obvious natural or divine limits on human aspiration.

Deep Ecology / Hubris Taboo: Humanity should be restricted by divine or ecological taboos.

how do we consider technological risks?

Regulation: risks are manageable with the assistance of democratic oversight and management. Robust markets cannot exist without an adequate and dynamic regulatory component.

Relinquishment: Risks are so enormous and unknowable, and regulatory institutions so flawed, that human enhancement should be banned.

Resignation: technology is uncontrollable, government intervention always has bad unforeseen consequences, and risks are manageable without government.

Relinquishment: Risks are so enormous and unknowable, and regulatory institutions so flawed, that human enhancement should be banned.

Inclusionism Podcast
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