The World's Is0-34051 Diversity Equity & Inclusion Assessment
67% of global managerial
employees identified
as female.
Diverse teams make better decisions and innovate 87% of the time.
80% of Pros think companies should look beyond profits to impact society.
Take a secure global standard assessment
Inclusion Score (is) the world's first ISO-30415 assessment for Diversity
Inclusion Equity & Belonging. It's the secure cloud-based way to quantify risks and prioritize based on a Inclusion Maturity Model Integration (IMMI).
Fully automated assessments in one place for easy access and version control
Over the past decade the International Standards Organization has been working to deliver a comprehensive standard for diversity inclusion equity and belonging that covers all institutional funcations. It is with great pride that we deliver to you the first in class automated assessment to reudce the painstaking costs of discovering the the inclusion problems that your teams witness daily. This quantitative method will help you understand your risks and identify achievable priorities.
Party Risk
Party Risk
Assess your D&I maturity within 30 minutes so that your next decisions are data-driven and smartest for your organization.
discover D&I risks to be inhereted from your supply-chain of companies and help them become competitive.
Instead of paying a consultant to pay a consultant identify your D&I gaps then
maximize consulting.
build the blocks
of inclusion
in 3 easy
take assessment
Save Time & Money
Keith Institute specializes in the ethnography of technology and research on corporate change management. Lead by James Felton Keith and the philosophy of Inclusionism, we aim to use our expertise to scale the ability of complex organizations to leverage qualitative methods to quantify their progress in structuring inclusion from an organizational standpoint.